The formation of Concerned Catholics Tasmania has received considerable coverage in the local media and beyond. See links below:

Mercury Newspaper 16/8/23 Tassie group takes hope on gay marriage

Mercury Newspaper 10/2/22 Catholics and Religious Discrimination. Trish Hindmarsh

ABC News. Catholic parishioners in the Huon Valley say there's unrest over a return to the church of the 1960s 11/7/21

A New Vision - Concerned Catholics in Tasmania want reform of the Church” Examiner Newspaper Launceston P1 and 7, 6/10/2020

“Chair of new group Kim Chen wants the Catholic Church to become more collaborative, accountable and transparent” The Advocate Newspaper Burnie, 6/10/2020

“New Tasmanian Chapter of Concerned Catholics says church must change or face empty pews” ABC TV News Tasmania, 7/10/2020

Church must change or face empty pews. ABC News 6/10/2020

New group call for Church reform. CathNews 7/10/2020

“Church at odds with Concerned Catholics Tasmania” Examiner Newspaper Launceston P8, 7/10/2020